Toddler Taming
This image of Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Louis as he expresses himself at a family event captures a parenting moment at its best.
You can like it or leave it, give your opinions on whether you agree or disagree with how this was handled but this photo shows that boys will be boys (and children will be children).
They’re unpredictable, they’re spontaneous and no matter whether we as parents manage a full time job or work as a full time carer, there are obstacles along the way. Regardless of who you are, or what hat you wear.
Many parents share the juggling act of working and being home for our children, especially when they are pre-schoolers.
The enormous sense of guilt we feel at leaving one task ‘not done properly’ to do the other at our best. It’s a balancing act and we have to, as parents, realise that we (like Prince Louis) all have our days.
With that aside, when it’s you in the situation of Kate, here’s some tips that might help.
One tried and true technique is to distract your child as the warning bells sound that an outburst is brewing. Often an odd question or a joke might do the trick, or set them a task for them to complete, such as helping you to find something.
Keep your cool
Often easier said than done, but remember to breathe and stay calm is pivotal to maintain your control, even if you don’t feel you are. Time out, for either you or your child, can help to calm things down.
Know your child’s limits
It’s difficult enough for an adult to sit quietly for an extended period of time no matter a four year old. Be realistic about your child’s schedule and what he can manage without food or sleep. Knowing the triggers can help to prevent challenging behaviours before they occur.
Knowing thankfully, that most of us won’t be monitored by paparazzi quite in the same way as Kate, remember it’s ok to make mistakes, it’s ok to recognise not every day is perfect and on the days that there is harmony…celebrate that within yourself, your son and your family.
Brought to you by Brighton Grammar School
Emily Beaton is a Melbourne-based primary teacher, with a particular interest in boys’ education and the mother of two children, a boy and a girl. This article is about ParentingYOU MAY ALSO ENJOY
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