by Kristen Molloy

What mothers really want for Mothers’ Day

You’re probably feeling the pressure. The retailers are in full frenzied flight. Our feeds are crammed with images of pastel nighties, wizz-bang kitchen appliances, perfume, bath salts, and, who knew there were so many candle choices! Restaurants are creating special Mothers’ Day menus, spas are getting ready, and flowers all over Australia are trembling on their stalks …

While we love the attention, it might all be missing the point. When we asked mothers what they really wanted for Mothers’ Day, not a single one asked for anything you could buy from a shop. In fact, what mums want is pretty simple. Here are some ideas, direct from the mouths of mums.

Some time to ourselves

Most mums spend most of their time doing things for other people. While we don’t begrudge it, and ensuring the family runs smoothly is an essential part of our job, sometimes we appreciate a break from being the family uber driver, chef, personal shopper, administrative assistant, mediator, judge, referee, alarm clock and psychologist. These mums said they would be happy with; ‘Something just with me’, ‘An experience with me’, ‘Not make the evening meal’, ‘To get a break from the sport drop off’.


Small gestures of appreciation

Mums don’t expect accolades. We know you’re thankful. But sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to show it!

So what do mums want? ‘To be appreciated’, ‘To be celebrated without a prompt – not just Mother’s Day’, ‘A cuppa in bed’, ‘Brekky in bed’, ‘To ask just once’, ‘Respect and appreciation. Every day.’

Peace and quiet

We love the hurley burley of life with boys. The jokes, the talks, the energy boys bring into our lives fill us with joy. But sometimes, just once in a while, we want serenity and silence. These mums would appreciate; ‘Peace!’, ‘A harmonious day’, ‘A device free day!’, ‘For my boys to stop fighting’, ‘Quiet!’ and of course, ‘A sleep in’.

Family time

While not one mum said she wanted to go back to Covid lockdowns (!), some of us are secretly missing the days of ‘forced’ family time. As we all play social catch up and lurch from one thing to another, finding time to be together as a family can get hard.

So, give us some time. And consider these wishes from mums; ‘To be taken out for a nice meal with the whole family’, ‘Time for a lovely walk – with no complaining!’, ‘A dinner with just the family’, ‘All of us going out for a meal’, and ‘Sitting down together for a beautiful meal and no fights!’

We’re easy to please. And it won’t cost you a cent …

Brought to you by Brighton Grammar School

Kristen Molloy is the Associate Head of the Crowther Centre, Literacy and Engagement at Brighton Grammar School, an all-boys school in Melbourne. She is the mother of two boys. This article is about