Post Holiday Device Detox Tips For Kids
It is not uncommon for our kids’ device limits that are usually set and adhered to during the term to be relaxed over the holidays as our children have extra time on their hands and a desire to connect online with friends or simply ‘zone out’ by playing games or scrolling Instagram.
But as we emerge from the holidays and throw ourselves back into the rhythm of school and extracurricular activities, device limits that were well established before the break are often difficult to re-instate in the post-holiday world.
So how do we get our boys back on track?
Talk to your children honestly about why you want to limit their device time now that school has started up again.
Stay engaged and encourage balance by keeping an eye on the apps and devices your child uses. Talk to your child regularly and help them stay aware of how much time they are spending on different online and offline activities.
Re-instate or set new boundaries for device use in your home at the start of the term.
Create a family plan for leisure and entertainment time that balances time spent sitting in front of screens (including online and watching TV) and a variety of offline activities. Make sure to involve your kids in the planning process – young people are more likely to respond to rules they have contributed to and see as being fair and consistent.
Reduce your own screen time to set a positive example.
Use the available technology such as parental controls, that allow you to monitor and limit what your child sees and does online.
Device free zones and times can help your family manage screen time. The suggestions below could be incorporated into your family plan to help with this.
Some boundary suggestions for digital device use in your home:
No devices in the bedroom for younger children
All screens off in bedrooms after a certain time for older children
All screens off at least one hour before planned bedtime
All family members switch off at dinner time
Devices charged overnight in a place your child cannot access
Information sourced from The Australian Government eSafety Commissioner Screen time | How much is too much? | eSafety Commissioner
Brought to you by Brighton Grammar School
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