Celebrating the marvel of motherhood
As a mother of young boys, I have to admit that I find the lead up to Mothers’ Day quite stressful.
Today, for example, I am getting up at sparrow’s fart to attend a Mothers’ Day breakfast at my older son’s school. A breakfast I have paid for on an app. An app that has spent the week warning me that “ORDERS CLOSE SOON!” I will eat my croissant in a drafty hall while listening to the school choir, some of whom may even sing in tune.
I will then make a mad dash to work to start early. Because at lunchtime I will leave work early to take a panic-packed lunch to my younger son’s kinder for a Mothers’ Day picnic. My son has demanded sushi. Here, I will hand over the sushi in exchange for a picture of a rainbow in various shades of brown, and if I’m lucky, a snotty kiss.
I will do all this because my boys want me to. They are so excited about these Mothers’ Day ‘treats’, and that’s where the joy lies.
One day, my sons will grow out of getting excited about what they are ‘giving’ me for Mothers’ Day. So I’ll make the most of every crumb of croissant, glitter-bombed photo frame and snotty kiss while I still can.
And if I forget why I’m doing all this, I’ll read this article by Michael Grose, which reminds me why we celebrate the marvel of motherhood (and not parenthood) on Mothers’ Day. Because, despite the fact that my boys won’t need me to parent them forever, I will be a mum for life. And there’s no better Mothers’ Day gift than that.
Happy Mothers’ Day. May your croissants be fresh and your rainbows colourful. And may your sons show you all the love you deserve.
Brought to you by Brighton Grammar School
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